MOPAR fluids, lubricants, parts, and accessories are available from an authorized dealer. They are recommended for your vehicle in order to help keep the vehicle operating at its best.
See also:
Wind Buffeting
Wind buffeting can be described as the perception of
pressure on the ears or a helicopter-type sound in the
ears. Your vehicle may exhibit wind buffeting with the
windows down, or the sunroof (i ...
Satellite Antenna
To ensure optimum reception, do not place items on the
roof around the rooftop antenna location. Metal objects
placed within the line of sight of the antenna will cause
decreased performance. La ...
Lap/Shoulder Belt Operating Instructions
1. Enter the vehicle and close the door. Sit back and
adjust the seat.
2. The seat belt latch plate is located on the B-Pillar along
the outboard side and rear of the seat cushion. The rear
sea ...