Outside Mirrors
To receive maximum benefit, adjust the outside mirror(s) to center on the adjacent lane of traffic and a slight overlap of the view obtained from the inside mirror.
NOTE: The passenger side convex outside mirror will give a much wider view to the rear, and especially of the lane next to your vehicle.
Vehicles and other objects seen in the passenger side
convex mirror will look smaller and farther away
than they really are. Relying too much on your
passenger side convex mirror could cause you to
collide with another vehicle or other object. Use your
inside mirror when judging the size or distance of a
vehicle seen in the passenger side convex mirror.
See also:
Seat Belts And Pregnant Women
We recommend that pregnant women use the seat belts
throughout their pregnancy. Keeping the mother safe is
the best way to keep the baby safe.
Pregnant women should wear the lap part of the belt ...
Tire Chains (Traction Devices)
Use of traction devices require sufficient tire-to-body
clearance. Follow these recommendations to guard
against damage.
• Install on Rear Tires Only
• Due to limited clearance, use SAE cla ...
Tire And Loading Information Placard
Tire and Loading Information Placard
This placard tells you important information about
1) number of people that can be carried in the vehicle
2) total weight your vehicle can carry
3) ...