Preparations For Jacking

1. Park the vehicle on a firm level surface as far from the edge of the roadway as possible. Avoid icy or slippery areas.

Do not attempt to change a tire on the side of the vehicle close to moving traffic, pull far enough off the road to avoid being hit when operating the jack or changing the wheel.

2. Turn on the Hazard Warning flasher.

3. Set the parking brake.

4. Place the shift lever into PARK (automatic transmission) or REVERSE (manual transmission).

5. Turn the ignition to the LOCK position.

6. Block both the front and rear of the

6. Block both the front and rear of the wheel diagonally opposite of the jacking position. For example, if changing the right front tire, block the left rear wheel.

NOTE: Passengers should not remain in the vehicle when the vehicle is being jacked.

    See also:

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