Suggestions For Obtaining Service For Your Vehicle

See also:

Crossing A Ravine, Gully, Ditch, Washout Or Rut
When crossing a ravine, gully, ditch, washout or a large rut, the angled approach is the key to maintaining your vehicle’s mobility. Approach these obstacles at a 45- degree angle and let each t ...

Add Names To Your Uconnect™ Phonebook
NOTE: Adding names to the Uconnect™ Phonebook is recommended when the vehicle is not in motion. • Press the button to begin. • After the “Ready” prompt and the following beep, say “ ...

Call Termination
To end a call in progress, momentarily press the button. Only the active call(s) will be terminated and if there is a call on hold, it will become the new active call. If the active call is ter ...