Answer Or Reject An Incoming Call — No Call Currently In Progress

When you receive a call on your mobile phone, the Uconnect™ Phone will interrupt the vehicle audio system, if on, and will ask if you would like to answer the call. Press the call. To reject the button to accept the call. To reject the call, press and hold the until you hear a single button until you hear a single beep, indicating that the incoming call was rejected.

    See also:

    Loose Fuel Filler Cap Message
    If the vehicle diagnostic system determines that the fuel filler cap is loose, improperly installed, or damaged, a loose gascap indicator will display in the EVIC telltale display area. Refer ...

    Seat Belt Extender
    If a seat belt is too short, even when fully extended and when the adjustable upper shoulder belt anchorage (if equipped) is in its lowest position, your authorized dealer can provide you with a ...

    Replacement Parts
    Use of genuine MOPAR parts for normal/scheduled maintenance and repairs is highly recommended to ensure the designed performance. Damage or failures caused by the use of non-MOPAR parts for mainte ...