EVIC Red Telltale Lights
This area will show reconfigurable red telltales. These telltales include:
• Door Ajar
This light will turn on to indicate that one or more doors may be ajar.
• Liftgate Ajar
This light will turn on to indicate that liftgate may be ajar.
• Liftgate Flipper Glass Ajar
This light will turn on to indicate that liftgate flipper glass may be ajar.
• Oil Pressure Warning Light
This telltale indicates low engine oil pressure. If the light turns on while driving, stop the vehicle and shut off the engine as soon as possible. A chime will sound for four minutes when this light turns on.
Do not operate the vehicle until the cause is corrected.
This light does not show how much oil is in the engine.
The engine oil level must be checked under the hood.
• Charging System Light
This light shows the status of the electrical charging system. The light should come on when the ignition switch is first turned ON and remain on briefly as a bulb check. If the light stays on or comes on while driving, turn off some of the vehicle’s non-essential electrical devices or increase engine speed (if at idle). If the charging system light remains on, it means that the vehicle is experiencing a problem with the charging system. Obtain SERVICE IMMEDIATELY. See an authorized dealer.
If jump starting is required, refer to “Jump Starting Procedures” in “What To Do In Emergencies”.
• Electronic Throttle Control (ETC) Light
This light informs you of a problem with the Electronic Throttle Control (ETC) system. The light will come on when the ignition is first turned ON and remain on briefly as a bulb check. If the light does not come on during starting, have the system checked by an authorized dealer.
If a problem is detected, the light will come on while the engine is running. Cycle the ignition key when the vehicle has completely stopped and the shift lever is placed in the PARK position. The light should turn off.
If the light remains lit with the engine running, your vehicle will usually be drivable. However, see an authorized dealer for service as soon as possible. If the light is flashing when the engine is running, immediate service is required. You may experience reduced performance, an elevated/rough idle or engine stall and your vehicle may require towing.
• Engine Temperature Warning Light
This light warns of an overheated engine condition.
As temperatures rise and the gauge approaches H, this indicator will illuminate and a single chime will sound after reaching a set threshold.
Further overheating will cause the temperature gauge to pass H, the indicator will continuously flash and a continuous chime will occur until the engine is allowed to cool.
If the light turns on while driving, safely pull over and stop the vehicle. If the A/C system is on, turn it off. Also, shift the transmission into NEUTRAL and idle the vehicle.
If the temperature reading does not return to normal, turn the engine off immediately and call for service. Refer to “If Your Engine Overheats” in “What To Do In Emergencies” for more information.
• Transmission Temperature Warning Light
This light indicates that there is excessive transmission fluid temperature that might occur with severe usage such as trailer towing. It may also occur when operating the vehicle in a high torque converter slip condition, such as 4-wheel-drive operation (e.g., snow plowing, off- road operation). If this light comes on, stop the vehicle and run the engine at idle or faster, with the transmission in NEUTRAL until the light goes off.
Continuous driving with the Transmission TemperatureWarning
Light illuminated will eventually cause
severe transmission damage or transmission failure.
If the Transmission Temperature Warning Light is
illuminated and you continue operating the vehicle,
in some circumstances you could cause the fluid to
boil over, come in contact with hot engine or exhaust
components and cause a fire.
See also:
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