Recreational Towing – Quadra–Trac II / Quadra–Drive II Four-Wheel Drive Models .

The transfer case must be shifted into NEUTRAL (N) and the transmission must be placed in PARK for recreational towing. The NEUTRAL (N) selection button is adjacent to the transfer case selector switch. Shifts into and out of transfer case NEUTRAL (N) can take place with the selector switch in any mode position.

• Front or rear wheel lifts should not be used.

Internal damage to the transmission or transfer case will occur if a front or rear wheel lift is used when recreational towing.

• Tow only in a forward direction. Towing this vehicle backwards can cause severe damage to the transfer case.

• The transmission must be placed in PARK for recreational towing.

• Before recreational towing, perform the procedure outlined under “Shifting into NEUTRAL (N)” to be certain that the transfer case is fully in NEUTRAL (N). Otherwise, internal damage will result.

• Failure to follow these procedures can cause severe transmission and/or transfer case damage.

Damage from improper towing is not covered under the New Vehicle Limited Warranty.

• Do not use a bumper-mounted clamp-on tow bar on your vehicle. The bumper face bar will be damaged.

See also:

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