Selection Of Coolant

Use only the manufacturer’s recommended engine coolant (antifreeze). Refer to “Fluids, Lubricants, and Genuine Parts” in “Maintaining Your Vehicle” for further information.

• Mixing of engine coolant (antifreeze), other than the specified HOAT engine coolant (antifreeze), may result in engine damage and may decrease corrosion protection. If a non-HOAT engine coolant (antifreeze) is introduced into the cooling system in an emergency, it should be replaced with the specified engine coolant (antifreeze) as soon as possible.

• Do not use water alone or alcohol based engine coolant (antifreeze) products. Do not use additional rust inhibitors or antirust products, as they may not be compatible with the engine coolant (antifreeze) and may plug the radiator.

• This vehicle has not been designed for use with Propylene Glycol-based engine coolant (antifreeze).

Use of Propylene Glycol-based engine coolant (antifreeze) is not recommended.

    See also:

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