Selection Of Engine Coolant

Use only the manufacturer’s recommended engine coolant (antifreeze). Refer to “Fluids, Lubricants, and Genuine Parts” in “Maintaining Your Vehicle” for further information.

• Mixing of engine coolant (antifreeze) other than the specified HOAT engine coolant (antifreeze) may result in engine damage and may decrease corrosion protection. If a non-HOAT engine coolant (antifreeze) is introduced into the cooling system in an emergency, it should be replaced with the specified engine coolant (antifreeze) as soon as possible.

• Do not use water alone or alcohol-based engine coolant (antifreeze) products. Do not use additional rust inhibitors or antirust products, as they may not be compatible with the antifreeze/engine coolant (antifreeze) and may plug the radiator.

• This vehicle has not been designed for use with Propylene Glycol based engine coolant (antifreeze).

Use of Propylene Glycol base engine coolant (antifreeze) is not recommended.

    See also:

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