Barge In — Overriding Prompts

The “Voice Command” button can be used when you wish to skip part of a prompt and issue your voice command immediately. For example, if a prompt is asking “Would you like to pair a phone, clear a...,” you could press the “Pair a Phone” to button and say, “Pair a Phone” to select that option without having to listen to the rest of the voice prompt.

    See also:

    Rearming The System
    If something triggers the alarm, and no action is taken to disarm it, the Vehicle Security Alarm will turn off the horn after three minutes, turn off all of the visual signals after 15 minutes, an ...

    Automatic Temperature Control (ATC) — If Equipped
    Automatic Temperature Control ...

    Forward Collision Warning
    The Forward CollisionWarning (FCW) feature can be can be set to Far, set to Near or turned Off. The default status of FCW is the Far setting. This means the system will warn you of a possible co ...