Recent Calls

If your phone supports “Automatic Phonebook Download”, Uconnect™ Phone can list your Outgoing, Incoming and Missed Calls.

    See also:

    Installing The LATCH-Compatible Child Restraint System
    We urge you to carefully follow the directions of the manufacturer when installing your child restraint. Not all child restraint systems will be installed as described here. Again, carefully foll ...

    Brake/Transmission Shift Interlock System
    This vehicle is equipped with a Brake Transmission Shift Interlock System (BTSI) that holds the shift lever in the PARK position unless the brakes are applied. To move the shift lever out of the ...

    Crossing A Ravine, Gully, Ditch, Washout Or Rut
    When crossing a ravine, gully, ditch, washout or a large rut, the angled approach is the key to maintaining your vehicle’s mobility. Approach these obstacles at a 45- degree angle and let each t ...