Compass Variance
Compass Variance is the difference between Magnetic North and Geographic North. To compensate for the differences, the variance should be set for the zone where the vehicle is driven, per the zone map. Once properly set, the compass will automatically compensate for the differences and provide the most accurate compass heading.
NOTE: Magnetic materials should be kept away from the top of the right rear quarter window. This is where the compass sensor is located.
Compass Variance Map
To Change The Compass Variance:
1. Turn the ignition switch ON.
2. Press the MENU button until the Personal Settings (Customer-Programmable Features) menu displays in the EVIC.
3. Press the DOWN button until “Compass Variance” displays in the EVIC.
4. Press and release the SELECT button until the proper variance zone is selected according to the map.
NOTE: The Variance Values will wrap around from 15 back to 1. The Default Variance is Zone 8.
5. Press and release the COMPASS button to exit.
See also:
Replacement Bulbs
Interior Lights   ...
EVIC Main Menu
To step to each main menu feature press and release the
MENU button once for each step. A step from the last
item in the list will cause the first item in the feature list
to be displayed. The f ...
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Regular washing of the top will enhance its life and
appearance, and make successive cleaning easier. Do not
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