Energy Management Feature
This vehicle has a safety belt system with an Energy Management feature in the front seating positions to help further reduce the risk of injury in the event of a head-on accident.
This safety belt system has a retractor assembly that is designed to release webbing in a controlled manner. This feature is designed to help reduce the belt force acting on the occupant’s chest.
See also:
Full Size Spare – If Equipped
The full size spare is for temporary emergency use only.
This tire may look like the original equipped tire on the
front or rear axle of your vehicle, but it is not. This spare
tire may have limi ...
Trailer Towing Weights (Maximum Trailer Weight Ratings)
The following chart provides the maximum trailer weight ratings towable for
your given drivetrain.
Department Of Transportation Uniform Tire Quality Grades
The following tire grading categories were established by the National Highway
Traffic Safety Administration. The specific grade rating assigned by the tire’s
manufacturer in each category is sh ...