Phone Call Features
The following features can be accessed through the Uconnect™ Phone if the feature(s) are available on your mobile service plan. For example, if your mobile service plan provides three-way calling, this feature can be accessed through the Uconnect™ Phone. Check with your mobile service provider for the features that you have.
See also:
Jacking And Tire Changing
• Do not attempt to change a tire on the side of the
vehicle close to moving traffic. Pull far enough off
the road to avoid the danger of being hit when
operating the jack or changi ...
Ignition Key Removal
Automatic Transmission
Place the shift lever in PARK. Turn the key to the ACC
position and then push the key and cylinder inward
slightly and rotate the key to the LOCK position. Then
remove th ...
Operating Instructions (Uconnect™ Phone) — If Equipped
Refer to “Uconnect™ Phone” in the Uconnect™ User
Manual located on the DVD for further details. ...