Carbon Monoxide Warnings
Carbon monoxide (CO) in exhaust gases is deadly.
Follow the precautions below to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning:
• Do not inhale exhaust gases. They contain carbon monoxide, a colorless and odorless gas which can kill. Never run the engine in a closed area, such as a garage, and never sit in a parked vehicle with the engine running for an extended period. If the vehicle is stopped in an open area with the engine running for more than a short period, adjust the ventilation system to force fresh, outside air into the vehicle.
• Guard against carbon monoxide with proper maintenance. Have the exhaust system inspected every time the vehicle is raised. Have any abnormal conditions repaired promptly. Until repaired, drive with all side windows fully open.
• Keep the swing gate closed when driving your vehicle to prevent carbon monoxide and other poisonous exhaust gases from entering the vehicle.
See also:
Four-Wheel Drive Models
The manufacturer recommends towing with all wheels
OFF the ground. Acceptable methods are to tow the
vehicle on a flatbed or with one end of vehicle raised and
the opposite end on a towing dolly ...
Spare Tire Matching Original Equipped Tire And Wheel – If Equipped
Your vehicle may be equivalent with a spare tire and
wheel in look and function as the original equipment tire
and wheel found on the front or rear axle of your vehicle.
This spare tire may be us ...
Other Language Setup
DVD Player Language Menu
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to accommodate languages other than Japanese or English.
These languages are selected using a special fourdigit ...