Opening The Sunrider

1. Unclip and move the sun visors to the side.

2. Release the header latches from the loops on the windshield frame.

3. Grasp the front side bow behind the header, and lift the top.

3. Grasp the front side bow behind the header, and lift the top.

4. Fold back the front section of the top and gently rest the header on top of

4. Fold back the front section of the top and gently rest the header on top of the rear portion of the deck.

5. Fold the top so that the material forms a W as shown.

5. Fold the top so that the material forms a W as shown.

Enter the vehicle and move the material into two folds.

6. Secure the top by using the two provided straps. Each strap will wrap around

6. Secure the top by using the two provided straps. Each strap will wrap around the side bow and Velcro to itself; use one strap on each side of the vehicle.

Closing The Sunrider

    See also:

    Product Agreement
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